Stuffed Chayote
This is adapted from the book Frida's Fiestas and you can clearly improvise beyond the basic recipe. Ground meat of some kind would be great but chayote are a mild,...
This is adapted from the book Frida's Fiestas and you can clearly improvise beyond the basic recipe. Ground meat of some kind would be great but chayote are a mild,...
I hadn't cooked Yellow Indian Woman beans for quite awhile. They're small and dense but somehow creamy at the same time. I think they'd be great in a chili but...
A few leftovers and some milk that was about to expire led to this really fine breakfast. Ayocote beans are runner bean. Phaseolus coccineus. This family includes Scarlet Runners and...
This is more of a suggestion than a recipe. Did you make the Heirloom Flageolet Bean salad yet? Have some leftovers? Make sure the salad is at room temperature. Toast...
A friend was asking about a recipe that called for a cup of cooked beans and wanted to know how much she should cook to yield a cup. My feeling...
The only thing greater than my love of food is my passion for sports. No. That's a lie. But I do get a kick out of everyone else yelling at...
Continuing with my being "thrifty" (equals CHEAP), I sometimes don't go through all of my milk before the expiration day. I hate waste. Somewhere in the back of my mind...
I know there's little that's more obnoxious than a Californian complaining about the cold but here goes: This last weekend was too cold. At my place, it hit 30F. I...
This photo has made the rounds on Instagram and Twitter so I thought I'd add it here as well. It seems to have struck a nerve. I've had people ask...
Hello, gorgeous! It's that time of year where the flowers aren't going to turn into beans any time soon and the cold weather is on the way . These runner...
In Hidalgo, a meal with my pal Lupe is essential. She is a great cook. I would almost describe her cooking as colonial. She prefers good olive oil to manteca...