Beans As Part of the Columbian Exchange
Part of the fun of being featured in The New Yorker was hearing from people all over the world and their stories about beans and/or Mexico. One of the most...
Part of the fun of being featured in The New Yorker was hearing from people all over the world and their stories about beans and/or Mexico. One of the most...
There's not much original about loving beans and greens. They're a natural combination. The greens are fresh and healthy, and if I have my way, a little bitter. They are...
Two relatively recent books on slow cookers have inspired me to dust mine off. I go through periods where I am enchanted but often the results are a murky mess....
From Julia Newberry, my co-author of The Rancho Gordo Vegetarian Kitchen, we have this great burger alternative. We tried a lot of bean burgers and this was the one that...
As if Bossa Nova and futbol weren't enough, Brazil also gives us this inspired dish, feijoada. It's not a quick microwaved midweek meal. I think it would be great for...
Spring means Flageolet beans. Often it would mean lamb but these beans can stand on their own. My old stove has a pilot light and stays warm and dry between...
I have plenty of slotted spoons but a slotted ladle is a new one for me. I got this one at our beloved local cookware store, Shackford's, here in Napa....
Fame is like caviar, you know - it's good to have caviar but not when you have it at every meal. -Marilyn Monroe I'd be willing to try having caviar...
Sometimes you make beans and there's a lot of broth leftover. I have fallen so in love with bean broth that I make sure there's plenty when I make beans....
Cactus plants produce fruit. Prickly pears are sweet and tropical but xoconostle are super sour. When they're dried and salted, they make a perfect pal for tequila and mezcal. We...
The family was invited to a great Easter party at my friend Geraldine's and with our bounty of eggs, thanks to our flock of chickens, it seemed like a natural...
Eating simply is my idea of heaven. Use the best ingredients and then stay out of the way. I remember reading about ricotta salata in La Cucina di Lidia by...