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The Rancho Gordo Blog

clay pot cooking

Guest Post: Julia's Cassoulet Moment - Rancho Gordo

Guest Post: Julia's Cassoulet Moment

Over the summer, I was lucky enough to get to spend three days at Georgeanne Brennan's house while we shot photos for our new cookbook, French Beans. When I wasn't...

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Greens for Beans - Rancho Gordo

Greens for Beans

I like them all: dandelion, kale, chard, lambsquarters....all of them. I could live without spinach but I would never make a fuss if it was offered. Sauteed greens are a...

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Slow Baked Garbanzos - Rancho Gordo

Slow Baked Garbanzos

One of my favorite books from the last years has been The Blue Zones (National Geographic, 2008) by Dan Buettner. Statistics for longevity are examined and there are some not...

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