I like them all: dandelion, kale, chard, lambsquarters....all of them. I could live without spinach but I would never make a fuss if it was offered.
Sauteed greens are a natural with cooked beans. Or as a filling in a tortilla. The last bit can be used in a soup. I love them and usually have several cooked in my fridge, waiting to be used.
I've seem recipes that have you boil them but that seems a bother. I wash the greens and add them to a wide pan of sauteed onion and garlic. Sometimes I use a little pancetta but mostly not. The washed greens cook down and the water that clings to the leaves meets the sauteed aromatics and they become a sauce.
Of course, I have to do everything the hard way so I have a dedicated clay cazuela for braised greens. It's really not necessary but I like to pretend it is.

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