Sopa de Frijol con Longaniza (Bean Soup with Longaniza)
This recipe is simple but with our beans and good longaniza, you’ll have a feast. A lot of Americans use the word “chorizo” when they really mean longaniza. A simple...
- USA Today
This recipe is simple but with our beans and good longaniza, you’ll have a feast. A lot of Americans use the word “chorizo” when they really mean longaniza. A simple...
Introducing Shared Cultures, a small business inspired by traditional fermentation, wild-foraged mushrooms, and Northern California’s produce. They craft exceptional misos, shoyus, and umami seasonings using local ingredients, including Rancho Gordo...
Here's a colorful, warm blend of vegetables, spices, and, yes, beans, from Clean Food Dirty Girl. Domingo Rojo beans would be our first choice, but any of the Ayocotes or...
We decided to try the ‘dump it all in the slow cooker’ method with a chicken, wild rice, and bean soup – and the results were surprisingly delicious. If you...