I spend the good part of Friday afternoon, Friday night and then, even Saturday morning, crying. This is not something I normally do. I don't want to bring you down but the massacre in Roseburg, Oregon, has left me devastated. I have a 17 year old who is going to college and seeing the photos of the young people on the verge of fulfilling their dreams, that were murdered, has made me lose it.
I've gone from hysterics to anger and now, action. We can't let this kind of insanity continue. I'm not going to tell you how to fix the problem but I would urge you to challenge every public official to solve it. If not gun control, what? I am open and I am willing to listen but I'm not willing to sit back and accept this as the new norm. We need to stop pointing fingers and offer solutions.
Thanks for listening. I think we're all better than this.
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