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A Day in the Bean Fields

We just got back from a little roadtrip to the beanfields and on the whole, we're looking good for the new season. There's nothing more beautiful to me than a beanfield. It's full of hope and potential. The reality is often different but for a moment, you can imagine each of the flowers turning into pods which hold the beans for that special dinner you're going to make with our harvest. I think it's romantic. These are the scarlet runner flowers, which are edible and tasty! P1050583 ....and a field of scarlet runners P1050592 Yellow Indian Woman, also known as Buckeye. P1050468 A secret Italian cannellini we'll "unveil" later in the year, suggested to me by Marcella Hazan. I'm really happy they are doing so well. P1050517 A happy field of Rio Zape: P1050556 Immature Rio Zape P1050546 Red Nightfall, just hitting their stride: P1050443

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