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A Gift From the Tarahumara Bean Bag

Dec2006187 I met my pal Christopher Ann on one of the online food forums and we've been buddies ever since, even taking two trips to Mexico together. In fact, I wouldn't consider going without running my itinerary by her in case there was a chance she was free. She often haunts the border towns between Mexico and Texas and if she's driving, she is always kind enough to do some obscene shopping for me (see the entry Cooking With Clay). This last trip she toured the famous Copper Canyon and while scouring the markets of the Tarahumara Indians, she came across these legumes that look eerily like rattlesnakes. I about fell over when I saw them. They seem to be some kind of runner bean (as opposed to a bush or pole) and I really will have some trouble waiting for Spring to plant them. If you know the name, I'd love to know.   Dec2006180

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