I can't tell you how many conversations I have with people who just don't know what to do with their beans after they've bought them. Even after I tell them, and give them dozens of ideas, they still aren't confident. I tell them I just have a bowl of them with almost every meal and they look at me like I'm nuts. Steak? A bowl of beans. Lasagna? A bowl of beans. Summer salad? A bowl of beans. Cheese plate? You get the idea. When my kids were small (and fussy), I'd put their beans in a ramekin. It meant if they ate the whole thing they could move on to dessert and for the one who couldn't tolerate foods that touched each other, it avoided a lot of tears at the table. It dawned on me that I didn't want a ramekin for myself but why not find the perfect bean bowl? I have six of these dedicated to beans and beans alone. The more I use them, the more beautiful they become. We have then in our store, made by the amazing Lourdes in Puebla but if you can't get to Napa, I bet you can find some locally produced beauties that can pay tribute to your bean obsession.
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