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Cooking With Clay No.14 : Micaceous Clay Bean Pot


I'd almost forgotton to write about this pot! I love it and use it probably once a week. It's a southwestern-style micaceous bean pot by Jan Cameron.


I love that its mouth is wide enough to really clean and the clay feels very strong. I've had people assume it was metal but it's not! It's unglazed micaceous clay and Jan has some great designs.

Micaceous pots are not cheap in any sense. I have the feeling they're heirloom pieces that you may pass on but I hope you use it regularly.

Jan has several pots already made or she can make one to order for you. As of this writing, we have two of her pots for sale in our San Francisco store.

1 comment

David R Adams

Can I order one clay pot for cooking soup, or beans with a top lead and handles to grab on to it. How much
I’m here in 1725 crock dr Streetsboro OH 44241

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