This Saturday. It's going to be hoot!
Please share if you are inspired.
Featuring Calistoga baker Matt Tinder, Connie Green's foraged fungi, Heritage Culinary Artifacts, Napa Valley Bees' honey, Hudson Ranch and Vineyards, George Knowles Woodsmith, VanderMolen Ceramics, Vintner's Daughter botanical serum, Sarah mc Design flameware, La Foret chocolate, Deborah Jones' photography, Chelsea Radcliffe cake stands, Craig Kazan butcher blocks, HLC Company linens, Little Belgians' butter cookies, Anna Noelle Rockwell’s culinary paintings, flowers from Root and Riot, and a few more very special treats.
Not your usual suspects!
This Saturday from 10a-5p
Rancho Gordo New World Specialty Food
1924 Yajome Street (at Jackson) in Napa
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