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My Clever Chickens


The chicks that arrived in the mail this Spring have now come blossomed into a flock of very lovely ladies and one extremely lucky rooster, if you know what I mean and I think you do. They started laying eggs awhile back and while I've been kept in eggs quite nicely, I haven't experienced the abundance you'd think with 16 hens.


As I let the gang out of the henhouse this morning to play and frolic in their pen, I heard a noise underneath the wood ramp inside the henhouse.

As you can see in the photo, the red box is where they lay their eggs. The two boxes on top were intended for laying but they never use them.


I ripped up the ramp, which had been nailed down and look what I found!


And underneath the chicken?


It's going to be flan tonight!
Actually, I assume the eggs are fertile and maybe I'll leave some to see what nature has in store for them.
In the meantime, there were still eggs in the red box this morning so I made Huevos Estilo Jalapa. What a glorious way to start the day. I'll have the recipe here on Friday.


In other news...
One of my best customers is the cafe at Della Fattoria bakery in Petaluma. Chef Kay Baumhefner has left to offer her own cooking classes. For more information on her Come Home to Cooking classes, send her an email.

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