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Notes From My Sickbed


Last week I managed to finally catch the flu that I'd been avoiding all winter. I am not a good patient and tend to feel like my flu is of interest to everyone and I'm pretty sure I'm the first person to ever suffer so ("Now I'm coughing! And my nose runs! Can you imagine! It's horrid. Why me?")

So I've been sleeping and watching TV. Is there a reason the Kardassian family is on TV? Why should I care if Kim has a shopping problem? I would rather hear that Kim is reading some books, along with the rest of the family. That would be nice to know.

I've loved hearing that President Obama went to Mexico and now is at a conference of The Americas. I don't know why, but I just love thinking of us in context of The Americas. They're our neighbors and in just as many ways as many of us are European, we're also of The Americas. I just find it more interesting than defining us in terms of Europe.

Maybe it's the drugs....

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