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Oye Vey, It's Lent!

Actually Lent has long passed, hasn't it! And Passover, too. I don't observe either holiday but I do love the food. Lent brings out some of the best vegetarian dishes in Mexican cooking. My Jewish friends think I'm nuts, but I love the jars of gefilte fish, especially when they go on sale after Passover. Gefitefish-chipotle It turns out that xoxconostle, the sour prickly pear fruit that I'm obsessed with, comes out during lent for several different dishes. So I made up a sauce with the meat from four xoconostle that had been pan-grilled on the comal with 3 reconstituted and cleaned dried chipotle peppers, pan roasted onion and garlic and Mexican oregano called Oreja de Raton. A little salt, a little water and then into the blender. I then fried this mess in a wee bit of lard and made a sauce for the jarred gefilte fish. Gefltifish It's not for everybody, but for me, I could plotz right now just think about it.

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