Actually Lent has long passed, hasn't it! And Passover, too. I don't observe either holiday but I do love the food. Lent brings out some of the best vegetarian dishes in Mexican cooking. My Jewish friends think I'm nuts, but I love the jars of gefilte fish, especially when they go on sale after Passover.
It turns out that xoxconostle, the sour prickly pear fruit that I'm obsessed with, comes out during lent for several different dishes. So I made up a sauce with the meat from four xoconostle that had been pan-grilled on the comal with 3 reconstituted and cleaned dried chipotle peppers, pan roasted onion and garlic and Mexican oregano called Oreja de Raton. A little salt, a little water and then into the blender. I then fried this mess in a wee bit of lard and made a sauce for the jarred gefilte fish.
It's not for everybody, but for me, I could plotz right now just think about it.

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