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Rancho Gordo Store Update


What a nightmare! Wouldn't you think that in this economic climate that if a small company wanted to expand and grow (and pay more taxes), that the powers that be should would there to welcome and encourage rather than beat one's dreams to a bloody bureaucratic pulp? Things aren't quite that bad but our journey to move across town and have a small retail area where customers can buy packaged beans directly has been very bumpy.

In the meantime, here's where we're at:


Above: My office is all the way in the back. The warehouse and shipping will be to the right and back.


Can you tell that my collection of Mexican movie posters will come in handy?


I want to rotate the posters. My friend Alain came up this week and "curated" the show. You see "Passion" on the wall in front.


These will be in my office.


You can barely see him, but Salvador is cutting acoustical tiles for the ceiling. Sorry. I'm renting or the ceilings would be a little more grand.

I'm excited and frustrated. It looks like like a summer opening and that's about as precise as I can be.

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