Jenny and Anson from Seattle's great specialty food store, picnic, stopped by for a visit and being the very swell people they are, they brought me bags of heirloom rye berries and farro. Farro I've had but I was really interested in trying the rye berries.
I know nothing about them. I cooked them in lots of boiling water for about 30 minutes with a little salt and onion. I drained them and then added some leftover beans and a happy dallop of Greek yogurt and finally a sprinkle of Oregano Indio.
Absolutely delilcious but I know nothing about this grain. Some of them exploded like wild rice does. Should they all? It has a great flavor and teamed really well with beans but it didn't have any of what I would consider "rye" flavor.
Am I missing any other interesting grains?

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