1. We will not in be in San Francisco for the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market tomorrow.
2. We will be at the Fatted Calf in the Oxbow Public Market for our book signing party. The market has a lovely Day of the Dead altar and you're invited to add to it. Our fiesta is from 2pm to 5pm and I hope to see you there in Napa. It's a great chance to check out the Oxbow and of course the kitchen at Fatted Calf is going to produce some nice bean magic!
3. Battle of the Beans and Blazing Pumpkins. Bean summit, cookbook signing and punpkin fun at Tierra Vegetables Farm Stand, today, from 3:30pm to 6:30 pm, 651 Airport Blvd in Sta. Rosa. I'll be there with Aliza Green (The Bean Bible, Beans, and others) and Mateo Granados, the great Yucatacan chef. For Ruthy's Real Meals.
4. Amuse Cochon is a grand party in Napa with 5 pigs, five chefs and lots more. Details are here and I'll be signing books and Rancho Gordo beans will be prepared by the Rutherford Grill.
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